Quality Policy

 Vitaldrive Ltd. is committed to follow the highest standards for quality, management and safety. As a world leader in the design, production and testing of High Voltage Testing laboratories, it is essential for us to strive for continuous improvement.

Vitaldrive LTD maintains an excellent reputation of Delivery, Choice, and Quality; with its impressive ability to meet all customer specifications, will undoubtedly ensure continuous success. The organisation's commitment and expertise to the service required by the design and production, assembling and testing of High Voltage test Laboratories and safety belts industry is the competitive advantage, which stands up to the high Quality/OH&S service.

It is the policy of Vitaldrive LTD to establish and maintain high Quality/OH&S service and product range, managing all our activities so as to provide exemplary levels of care and Health & Safety. This is enforced by our business strategy, which fall in compliance to the requirements of BS ΕΝ ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001. This couples profitability and competitiveness by meeting and exceeding the expectations of our customers and our management standards, in a way that promotes their respect and mutual loyalty.
Vitaldrive LTD Total Management Policy is to always provide its customers with best Quality/OH&S products through its continue improvement program, which is based on sincere customer feedback, teamwork, within the Company and in conjunction with our suppliers and Customers.

Vitaldrive LTD is fully conscious that the Quality/OH&S and the Health & Safety are of a central business concern and accepts its responsibilities towards the Quality/OH&S and the Health & Safety. The successful implementation of this policy has its foundations in the personal and visible commitment and involvement of every person working in Vitaldrive LTD site, creating the supportive Health & Safety, teamwork and discipline processes needed to accomplish our stated goals. Through an ongoing investment, Vitaldrive LTD aims to attain best-in-class facilities, people and market research, which are the fundamentals behind our commitments to Excellence and Management Policy.